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Totals and Runningtotals with SQL "sum" and "over" Syntax

In my SQL table I have "country" and "we200326" columns. Column "we200326" contains only "1" or "NULL" entries.

I'm trying to get a total of all "1"s in column "we200326" and a total by country. I have written the following statement but it gives an error but I don't know what I did wrong (I'm very new at this):

SELECT country, we200326,
    (SUM(we200326) OVER () AS Total)
    (SUM(we200326) OVER (PARTITION BY country) AS CountryTotal)
FROM table_name
ORDER BY CountryTotal, Country;

The error I get is this:

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'OVER () AS Total)
        (SUM(we200326) OVER (PARTITION BY country) AS CountryTotal)
    ' at line 2

I have searched for similar errors and found several (each time was a simple syntax error like a space or comma or so) I tried several versions but could not resolve my problem when following those instructions. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Window functions are available in MySQL 8.0 only.

    In earlier versions, one option is to use subqueries:

        (select sum(we200326) from table_name) total,
        (select sum(we200326) from table_name t1 where = country_total
    from table_name t
    order by country_total, country