I have to write images with some other datas to an excel file in my Django project and I have tried the code below.
for counter_i, cost in enumerate(costs):
counter_i += 1
for counter_j, feature in enumerate(features):
value = getattr(cost, feature)
if feature == 'image':
image = str(value)
worksheet.insert_image(counter_i, counter_j, image, {'x_offset': 15, 'y_offset': 10})
worksheet.write(counter_i, counter_j, value)
In this code, the "value" contains image's path. But I got errors such as
warn("Image file '%s' not found." % force_unicode(filename))
Also I have tried to give the whole path such as C:/Users/username/..
but this time, I got an Permission Denied
How can I fix this?
I have worked on adding images using xlsxwriter. But found few useful links which has similar issue and some information related to the same.