I am uploading an image and while saving to the database I am adding path to the location along with the filename.
eg : product/name/L4I84qXltYvCCDsAeQzi7fzZfKF3WTRa1LPOPGxj.jpeg
Why adding location where I can call them through asset()? The table is also used by API application where it requires the url format like this.
My Controller Cdde
//! Product Image
if ($request->hasFile('product_image')) {
$product_image = $request->file('product_image');
$product_image_extension = $product_image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$product_image_filename = Str::slug($request->input('product_code')) . '.' . Str::random(3) . "." . $product_image_extension;
$product_image_location = public_path('assets/products/' . $product_image_filename);
Image::make($product_image)->resize(300, 300)->save($product_image_location);
//Other Fields
'image' => 'assets/products/' . $product_image_filename
I am wondering how do I remove the image and add a new image
For comparison, I need the image file name. Since I am using the path, I am getting the path prefixed to the Image Name.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File
$image_path = "/images/filename.ext"; // Value is not URL but directory file path
if(File::exists($image_path)) {