I'm using geolocation to automatically record my work hours. But, as I often work after midnight, I need to automatically "split" the hours into each day they were worked. The final result desired is just the hours worked each day, per row Jan 1st - 2 hours
For example: if I start work on the 1st/Jan, and work 10pm to 2am, then two hours should be billed to the 1/Jan and the other two hours to 2/Jan.
Below is example automatically generated data, based on when I physically enter the work area.
So, one possible solution would be to transpose this list horizontally, and add logic that says "if not exited by midnight, then add entries "exited: 23:59" & "entered: 00:00" the next day)
In this case, the next step might look like:
But I don't know how to transpose(?) the data, or automatically generate the missing fields, in Google Sheets. Or perhaps there is a better solution?
"select Col1,sum(Col2)
where Col2 is not null
group by Col1
label sum(Col2)''"))
IFERROR(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B1:B, A1:A="entered"), " at ", "♦"), "♦")),
"select Col1+Col2 label Col1+Col2''"); IFERROR(
IF(INDEX(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B:B, A:A="exited"), " at ", "♦"), "♦"),,1)<>
INDEX(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B1:B, A1:A="entered"), " at ", "♦"), "♦"),,1),
INDEX(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B1:B, A1:A="entered"), " at ", "♦"), "♦"),,1)+
"23:59:59.999",))}, "where Col1 is not null order by Col1", 0))
SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B:B, A:A="exited"), " at ", "♦"), "♦")),,99^99))*1; IFERROR(
IF(INDEX(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B:B, A:A="exited"), " at ", "♦"), "♦"),,1)<>
INDEX(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B:B, A:A="entered"), " at ", "♦"), "♦"),,1),
INDEX(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(FILTER(B:B, A:A="entered"), " at ", "♦"), "♦"),,1)
+"23:59:59", ))}, "where Col1 is not null order by Col1", 0))