I want to create a user when creating an employee so far is working fine
@api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
def create(self, vals):
rec = super(HrEmployee, self).create(vals)
model = {
'name': rec.name,
'login': rec.work_email,
'sel_groups_1_9_10':9, # user type, portal user
'write_uid': 1,
'share': False,
domain = [('login','=',rec.work_email)]
users = self.env['res.users'].search(domain)
if not users:
user = self.env['res.users'].create(model)
rec.user_id = user.id
except Exception as e:
return rec
The issue is that after I set rec.user_id = user.id the employee work_email, converts to None, any idea?
It happens because the new user email
is empty.
There is an on change method that updates the employee's work_email
with the related user email.