Consider the following simple problem:
Goal forall (R : relation nat) (a b c d e f g h : nat),
(forall m n : nat, R m n -> False) -> (R a b) -> False.
intros ? a b c d e f g h H1 H2.
saturate H1. (* <-- TODO implement this *)
My current implementation of saturate
instantiates H1
with every possible combination of nat
hypotheses, leading to quadratic blowup in time and memory usage. Instead I would like it to inspect forall
and see that it requires a R m n
, so the only combination of parameters that makes sense in context is a
and then b
Is there a known solution to this? My intuition is to use evars, but if I could avoid them without sacrificing significant performance I would like to.
This might be too simplistic, the idea is to try apply H1
on every hypothesis:
Ltac saturate H :=
match goal with
(* For any hypothesis I... *)
| [ I : _ |- _ ] =>
(* 1. Clone it (to not lose information). *)
let J := fresh I in pose proof I as J;
(* 2. apply H. *)
apply H in J;
(* 3. Abort if we already knew the resulting fact. *)
let T := type of J in
match goal with
| [ I1 : T, I2 : T |- _ ] => fail 2
end + idtac;
(* 4. Keep going *)
try (saturate H)
Require Setoid. (* To get [relation] in scope so the example compiles *)
(* Made the example a little less trivial to better test the backtracking logic. *)
Goal forall (R S : relation nat) (a b c d e f g h : nat),
(forall m n : nat, R m n -> S m n) -> (R a b) -> R c d -> S a b.
intros R S a b c d e f g h H1 H2 H3.
(* --- BEFORE ---
H2: R a b
H3: R c d
saturate H1.
(* --- AFTER ---
H2: R a b
H3: R c d
H0: S c d
H4: S a b