I am trying to perform matrix math using numpy. I have what I expect to be a 2x2x401 matrix that I am trying to add to an identity matrix using np.add()
. In code, I have tried:
result = []
self.data = x #where x is a 2x2x401 np array
z_sqrt = np.identity(2)
for x in range(401):
#if the above gives me errors because of how I'm assigning it, I'm not there yet
The error I get is:
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (2,2) (2,401)
Please try the following which might help,
result = x + np.atleast_3d(np.identity(2))
where x
is your (2,2,401) array. The above should directly work on the whole array without using the for loop so you get result
of shape (2,2,401) in a one-liner. Alternatively you can also try the below,
result = x + (np.identity(2)[:,:,np.newaxis])