Search code examples

Summing Sales Based On Different Year Cases

    | Product ID | YearBought | Sales | Min_Year | Max_Year |
    |      1     |    2016    |  $20  |   2011   |   2016   |
    |      2     |    2016    |  $10  |   2016   |   2018   |
    |      2     |    2017    |  $30  |   2016   |   2018   |
    |      3     |    2017    |  $5   |   2015   |   2019   |
    |      3     |    2018    |  $10  |   2015   |   2019   |
    |      3     |    2018    |  $20  |   2015   |   2019   |
    |      3     |    2019    |  $5   |   2015   |   2019   |
    |      3     |    2019    |  $30  |   2015   |   2019   |
    |      4     |    2018    |  $5   |   2018   |   2020   |
    |      4     |    2019    |  $10  |   2018   |   2020   |
    |      4     |    2020    |  $20  |   2018   |   2020   |

Min_Year = the year the product was first introduced

Max_Year + 1 = Product drop off year

Above is a sample of the table I'm working with. Trying to find:

  • the sum of sales new products brought in the year they were first introduced

  • the sum of "dropped sales" aka the sum of sales from products the year after they dropped off (had no sales). (Ex. Product brought in $15 in 2018 but had no sales in 2019, want to show $15 as dropped sales in 2019)

Expected Output:

    |     YearBought   | New Product Sales | Dropped Product Sales | 
    |      2016        |        $10        |                       | 
    |      2017        |                   |           $20         |  
    |      2018        |         $5        |                       |  
    |      2019        |                   |                       |  
    |      2020        |                   |           $35         |   

was thinking something like this but it's not working. any help would be appreciated!

    sum(case when yearbought=min_year then sales else 0 end) as NewSales,
    sum(case when yearbought=max_year+1 then sales else 0 end) as DropSales
group by 


  • Aggregate the dropped product sales separately from the new product sales, then join the aggregations. You can do this with subqueries, or, as I have done below, with common table expressions.

        droppedProds as (
            select      droppedYear = yearBought + 1, 
                        foregoneSales = sum(sales)
            from        @t t 
            where       YearBought = Max_Year
            group by    YearBought
        newSales as (
            select      YearBought,
                        sales = sum(sales),
                        newSales = sum(case when yearBought = min_year then sales end)
            from        @t t
            group by    YearBought
        select      YearBought,
        from        newSales n
        left join   droppedProds d on n.yearBought = d.droppedYear
        order by    YearBought;

    Results in:

    | YearBought | sales | newSales | foregoneSales |
    |    2016    |  30   |    10    |               |  
    |    2017    |  35   |          |      20       |  
    |    2018    |  35   |     5    |               |  
    |    2019    |  45   |          |               |  
    |    2020    |  20   |          |      35       |