So, I have a datetime indexed dataframe that looks like this:
eventTime Energy Power RunningHours
9/29/2018 0:00 146.985 65 2256.88
9/29/2018 1:00 147.05 64.5 2257.87
9/29/2018 2:00 147.116 65 2258.87
9/29/2018 3:00 147.181 65 2259.87
9/29/2018 4:00 147.246 65 2260.87
9/29/2018 5:00 147.312 65 2261.87
9/29/2018 5:11 76.428
9/29/2018 5:12 65
9/29/2018 6:00 147.377 65 2262.87
9/29/2018 7:00 147.443 65 2263.87
9/29/2018 8:00 147.45 2263.98
9/29/2018 9:17 76.558
9/29/2018 9:17 1174.35
9/29/2018 19:00 147.502 65 2264.75
9/29/2018 20:00 147.567 65 2265.75
9/29/2018 21:00 147.633 65 2266.75
9/29/2018 22:00 147.698 65 2267.75
9/29/2018 23:00 147.764 65 2268.75
9/30/2018 0:00 147.829 65 2269.75
9/30/2018 1:00 147.895 65 2270.75
9/30/2018 2:00 147.961 65 2271.75
9/30/2018 3:00 148.026 65 2272.73
9/30/2018 4:00 148.092 65 2273.73
9/30/2018 5:00 148.157 65 2274.73
9/30/2018 6:00 148.223 65 2275.73
9/30/2018 7:00 148.288 65 2276.73
9/30/2018 8:00 148.297 2276.87
9/30/2018 13:51 64
9/30/2018 19:00 148.35 65 2277.68
9/30/2018 20:00 148.415 65 2278.67
9/30/2018 21:00 148.481 65 2279.67
9/30/2018 22:00 148.546 65 2280.67
9/30/2018 23:00 148.611 65 2281.67
For each day in the datetime index, I am looking to find the difference between "RunningHours" value at 23 hours and 0 hours.
I am imagining my output to look like
9/29/2018 11.87
9/30/2018 11.92
How do I get to this. I am currently disaggregating the datetime index to date and time, then looping down date and time to find the difference. Seems complicated for something very simple and I am sure there is an easier way using the datetime index as is. I just don't know how. Help please.
Your code works very well for data that is continuous and where the information exists for 00: and 23:00 timestamps. However, if data is missing for these 2 timestamps, the script picks up the first available or the last available datapoint for this date.
For. e.g.: For the data below
6/7/2018 0:00 67.728 64 1037.82
6/7/2018 1:00 67.793 64 1038.82
6/7/2018 2:00 67.857 64 1039.82
6/7/2018 3:00 67.922 64 1040.82
6/7/2018 4:00 67.987 64 1041.82
6/7/2018 5:00 64 1042.82
6/7/2018 6:00 1043.43
6/7/2018 23:00 68.288
The output from the script is
6/7/2018 1037.82 1043.43 5.61
How do I modify it to say NaN if data is not available ? Thanks so much for your help on this.
Find values from a column in a DF at very specific times for every unique date
I answered my own question here for those that are looking for something different.