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How to define a bean in ApplicationContext.xml that has no constructor?

I have a class

public class DataStore {
    public String name;
    public String username;
    public String password;
    public String token;
    public String connectionString;
    public String type;
    public String scheme;

    public boolean usesBasicAuth;
    public boolean usesBearerAuth;

I need to create an bean for it in another project. But i need to fill the fields somehow. The problem is I can not use <constructor-arg ... /> because there is no constructor.

The code below results in BeanCreationException: "Could not resolve matching constructor"

 <bean id="dataStore"
    <constructor-arg index="0" value="${}"/>


  • Assuming, You have public (getters and setters for your) properties, and only the "default (no args) constructor", then You can change your configuration to:

    <bean id="dataStore" class="">
      <property name="connectionString" value="..."/>
      <!-- ... -->

    Using property instead of constructor-arg.

    Docs (Spring 4.2):