I'm practicing using loop functions and want to create a loop that will randomly generate which of my cousins should call my grandma during the 14 days of Covid self-isolation.
I created the variable "family", which specifies which cousins (ex. "Rob", "David", "Chantal") belong to which aunt or uncle ex. "Laverne"). However, I only want to sample my cousins and not my aunts/uncles.
I am assuming there will be 14 days in self-isolation, so I will need to randomly sample my cousins more than twice (without replacement). i.e. my grandma will receive calls from 2 grandchildren on most days, and 3 on 2 days.
days <-14
family <- list("Laverne" = c("Rob", "David", "Chantal"),
"Jerry" = c("Amber", "Todd", "Kyla"),
"Gwen" = c("Kirk", "Heather"),
"Carleen" = c("Amber", "Chris", "Katelyn"),
"Al" = c("Regan", "Adam", "Dana", "Ally_Taylor"),
"Celine" = c("Tyler", "Ashley", "Kayla", "Matthew"),
"Kathy" = c("Josh", "Cami", "Jessica", "Michelle", "Danielle"),
"Leanne" = c("Raylene", "Clinton", "Alina", "Tristina"),
"Kim" = "Anthony_Emerson",
"Dawna"= "Leiland_Kelsey")
I haven't gotten far in writing the loop code. This is what I have so far:
for(i in family:n){
sample1 <- sample(family, 1, replace = FALSE)
resample <- sample(sample1)
Any help would be appreciated!
You probably also need to take account for the days
# initialize matrix
samp <- matrix(NA, nrow=days, ncol=length(family), dimnames=list(NULL, names(family)))
set.seed(42) ## for sake of reproducibility
for (j in 1:days) {
for (i in 1:length(family)) {
samp[j, i] <- sample(family[[i]], 1)
# Laverne Jerry Gwen Carleen Al Celine Kathy Leanne Kim Dawna
# [1,] "Rob" "Amber" "Kirk" "Amber" "Adam" "Matthew" "Cami" "Clinton" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [2,] "Chantal" "Kyla" "Heather" "Amber" "Regan" "Ashley" "Michelle" "Clinton" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [3,] "Chantal" "Amber" "Kirk" "Katelyn" "Ally_Taylor" "Tyler" "Danielle" "Raylene" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [4,] "Chantal" "Todd" "Kirk" "Chris" "Ally_Taylor" "Ashley" "Jessica" "Alina" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [5,] "David" "Todd" "Kirk" "Amber" "Ally_Taylor" "Ashley" "Cami" "Alina" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [6,] "Rob" "Amber" "Heather" "Chris" "Adam" "Ashley" "Cami" "Tristina" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [7,] "Rob" "Todd" "Kirk" "Chris" "Adam" "Ashley" "Danielle" "Raylene" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [8,] "Rob" "Todd" "Kirk" "Amber" "Ally_Taylor" "Matthew" "Josh" "Alina" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [9,] "Rob" "Todd" "Kirk" "Chris" "Adam" "Ashley" "Josh" "Clinton" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [10,] "Chantal" "Amber" "Heather" "Amber" "Ally_Taylor" "Kayla" "Cami" "Clinton" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [11,] "Rob" "Todd" "Kirk" "Chris" "Ally_Taylor" "Tyler" "Josh" "Tristina" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [12,] "Rob" "Todd" "Kirk" "Amber" "Adam" "Matthew" "Danielle" "Alina" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [13,] "Rob" "Todd" "Kirk" "Amber" "Dana" "Matthew" "Cami" "Alina" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
# [14,] "Rob" "Kyla" "Kirk" "Amber" "Regan" "Kayla" "Josh" "Clinton" "Anthony_Emerson" "Leiland_Kelsey"
Without a for
loop you may do (note that there's no need to initialize the matrix in this case):
samp <- t(replicate(days, Map(`[`, family, lapply(lengths(family), function(x)
sample(seq(x), 1)))))
## with output similar to above