Does anyone know if it is possible to perform a Regular Expression replace operation in AndroidStudio where a particular match can be converted to uppercase?
I want to search find all occurrences of;
...and replace them with :
if ( LogConfig.LOGI ) Log.i
if ( LogConfig.LOGE ) Log.e
if ( LogConfig.LOGD ) Log.d
In other words, some of the replacements are as is (no brainer) but others must be CAPITALIZED.
If this is possible, how do I do this?
You may use
Replace with if ( LogConfig.\U$1$2\E ) $0
. See the regex demo.
If you need to match Log.e
as a whole word, add word boundaries, \b(Log)\.([ied])\b
- Capturing group 1: Log
- a dot([ied])
- a letter i
, e
or d
.The \U$1$2\E
- start turning to upper case all that follows:
- Group 1 value$2
- Group 2 value\E
- stop turning to uppercase.