Java 7 - java.sql.Date - uses toInstant method of java.util.Date class.
Java 8 - java.sql.Date - Overrides toInstant method and now throws UnsupportedOperationException
grails-gsp-plugin v3.3.2 - DefaultGrailsTagDateHelper - able to format java.sql.Date class instance.
grails-gsp-plugin v4.0.0 - DefaultGrailsTagDateHelper - not able to foramt java.sql.Date class instance because date.toInstant()
is thowing UnsupportedOperationException
(expected as per java 8 code).
And as per the docs Grails 4 is no longer compatible with Java 1.7.
So now is it expected that g.formatDate
not allowing java.sql.Date class instance? Or is it a bug in the plugin?
I think this change was introduced at If you file a report at we can investigate.
Thanks for the feedback.