How can you retrieve and display the values used to compute the high of binned bars in a vega histogram?
In this d3 observable notebook I illustrate what want to achieve... When a bar is clicked, I update the selected_text
variable with the bar's underlying values which were counted to give the bar's high.
The related question deals with the fold
transform but in my case, I am looking for the inverse of the flatten transform
Here is an illustration of the data transformation I am looking for. Going from:
{"name": "alpha", "data": 123, "bin0": 1, "bin1": 2},
{"name": "alpha", "data": 789, "bin0": 2, "bin1": 3},
{"name": "beta", "data": 456, "bin0": 2, "bin1": 3},
{"name": "beta", "data": 789, "bin0": 3, "bin1": 4},
{"name": "beta", "data": 0AB, "bin0": 3, "bin1": 4}
"bin0": 1, "bin1": 2, values: [{"name": "alpha", "data": 123}]
"bin0": 2, "bin1": 3, values: [{"name": "alpha", "data": 789},
{"name": "beta", "data": 456}]
"bin0": 3, "bin1": 4, values: [{"name": "beta", "data": 789},
{"name": "beta", "data": 0AB}]
I think this could be achieved if the concat
expression was available to the groupby operator
of the aggregation transforms
, but it is not.
The "unflatten" transform can be roughly achieved using an aggregate transform with the values
"data": {
"values": [
{"name": "alpha", "data": 123, "bin0": 1, "bin1": 2},
{"name": "alpha", "data": 789, "bin0": 2, "bin1": 3},
{"name": "beta", "data": 456, "bin0": 2, "bin1": 3},
{"name": "beta", "data": 789, "bin0": 3, "bin1": 4},
{"name": "beta", "data": 789, "bin0": 3, "bin1": 4}
"transform": [
"aggregate": [{"op": "values", "as": "values"}],
"groupby": ["bin0", "bin1"]
"mark": "point"
In the data viewer of the Vega Editor, you can see that the transformed data are:
{"bin0": 1, "bin1": 2,
"values": [{"name": "alpha", "data": 123, "bin0": 1, "bin1": 2}]},
{"bin0": 2, "bin1": 3,
"values": [{"name": "alpha", "data": 789, "bin0": 2, "bin1": 3},
{"name": "beta", "data": 456, "bin0": 2, "bin1": 3}]},
{"bin0": 3, "bin1": 4,
"values": [{"name": "beta", "data": 789, "bin0": 3, "bin1": 4},
{"name": "beta", "data": 0AB, "bin0": 3, "bin1": 4}]}