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What is the difference between GCP Kubeflow and GCP cloud composer?

I am learning GCP, and came across Kuberflow and Google Cloud Composer.
From what I have understood, it seems that both are used to orchestrate workflows, empowering the user to schedule and monitor pipelines in the GCP.
The only difference that I could figure out is that Kuberflow deploys and monitors Machine Learning models. Am I correct? In that case, since Machine Learning models are also objects, can't we orchestrate them using Cloud Composer? How does Kubeflow help in any way, better than Cloud Composer when it comes to managing Machine Learning models??



    • Kubeflow is a platform for developing and deploying a machine learning (ML) systems. Its components are focused on creating workflows aimed to build ML systems.
    • Cloud Composer provides the infraestructure to run Apache Airflow worflows. Its components are known as Airflow Operators and the workflows are connections between these operators that are known as DAGs.

    Both services run on Kubernetes, but they are based on different programming frameworks; therefore, you are correct, Kuberflow deploys and monitors Machine Learning models. See below the answer for your questions:

    1. In that case, since Machine Learning models are also objects, can't we orchestrate them using Cloud Composer?

    You would need to find an operator that meet your needs, or create a custom operator with the structure required to create a model, see this example. Even when it can be performed, this could be more difficult that using Kubeflow.

    1. How does Kubeflow help in any way, better than Cloud Composer when it comes to managing Machine Learning models??

    Kubeflow hides complexity as it is focused on Machine Learninig models. The frameworks specialized on machine learning makes those things easier than using Cloud Composer which in this context can be considered as a general purpose tool (focused on linking existing services supported by the Airflow Operators).