The code below should print ten results but instead it prints ten "test-ite". Why is it not showing the results it got from the database?
use Data::Dumper;
use POE;
use POE qw( Component::Pool::DBI );
inline_states => {
_start => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
my $dbpool = POE::Component::Pool::DBI->new(
connections => 10,
dsn => "DBI:Oracle:",
username => "Terry",
password => "Peller"
# Outstanding queries keep the calling session alive.
callback => "handle_result",
query => "select price from cost where description= ?",
params => ["Mayotte"],
# userdata => "example"
$heap->{dbpool} = $dbpool;
handle_result => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap, $results, $userdata) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
# Will be an arrayref of hashrefs.
for my $record (@$results) {
print "test-ite \n";
print $record->{Mayotte};
my $dbpool = $heap->{dbpool};
# Ask for a clean shutdown.
It doesn't look like the returned rows would have a "Mayotte" column, probably you wanted to write print $record->{price}
instead of print $record->{Mayotte}
I suggest using the Data::Dumper school of debugging here -- to find out what was wrong you could have added a use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($record);
to the loop :)