I have two tables that I want to get all accounts and their Credit sum and Debit sum even parent records have to sum thier child values
I'm implementing Id ParentId Structure .
1- [AccountChart] Table with these fields :
Id smallint
ParentId smallint Null
AccountName nvarchar(100)
2- [Transaction] Table with these fields
AccountId smallInt
TransactionDate DateTime
Debit decimal(19,5)
Credit decimal(19,5)
here is what I tried
Create table [AccountChart] (
id int not null,
parentId int null,
AccountName nvarchar(100)
Create table [TransactionData] (
id int not null,
TransactionDate DateTime not null,
AccountId int not null,
Credit decimal(19,5),
Debit decimal(19,5)
insert into [AccountChart] (id,parentId,AccountName) values (1,null,'level 0');
insert into [AccountChart] (id,parentId,AccountName) values (2,1,'level 2');
insert into [AccountChart] (id,parentId,AccountName) values (3,2,'level 3 - 1');
insert into [AccountChart] (id,parentId,AccountName) values (4,2,'level 3 - 2 ');
insert into [TransactionData] (id,TransactionDate,AccountId,Credit,Debit) values (1,'2020-03-17',3,1000.0,0.0)
insert into [TransactionData] (id,TransactionDate,AccountId,Credit,Debit) values (2,'2020-03-17',3,0.0,1000.0)
insert into [TransactionData] (id,TransactionDate,AccountId,Credit,Debit) values (3,'2020-03-17',4,4000.0,0.0)
insert into [TransactionData] (id,TransactionDate,AccountId,Credit,Debit) values (4,'2020-03-17',3,6000.0,0.0)
insert into [TransactionData] (id,TransactionDate,AccountId,Credit,Debit) values (5,'2020-03-17',4,3000.0,0.0)
;WITH cteBalances (AccountId, ParentId, Credit, Debit)
SUM([TransactionData].Credit) AS Credit,
SUM([TransactionData].Debit) AS Debit
FROM [TransactionData]
INNER JOIN AccountChart ON ([TransactionData].AccountId = AccountChart.Id)
GROUP BY AccountChart.Id,AccountChart.ParentId)
FROM AccountChart
left JOIN cteBalances ON (AccountChart.ID = cteBalances.AccountID)
the problem that I couldn't bring the summary values for the parent records.
the results I get is :
id ParentId AccountName Credit Debit
1 NULL level 0 NULL NULL
2 1 level 2 NULL NULL
3 2 level 3 - 1 7000.00000 1000.00000
4 2 level 3 - 2 7000.00000 0.00000
but I excpect to be calculate the childs in parent as this
id ParentId AccountName Credit Debit
1 NULL level 0 14000.00000 1000.00000
2 1 level 2 14000.00000 1000.00000
3 2 level 3 - 1 7000.00000 1000.00000
4 2 level 3 - 2 7000.00000 0.00000
I like the technique of using Range Keys. If you have a slow moving hierarchy, I would create a table to store these values
Just to expand, the range keys facilitate selection, and variable depth aggregation.
You may notice that the SEQ
has an Order by AccountName
. In my GL systems, we have a column for presentation sequence. This controls the order rather than ALPHA on name or significant digits on the account.
Declare @Top int = null --<< Sets top of Hier Try 2
Declare @Nest varchar(25) = '|---' --<< Optional: Added for readability
;with cteP as (
Select Seq = cast(10000+Row_Number() over (Order by AccountName) as varchar(500))
From [AccountChart]
Where IsNull(@Top,-1) = case when @Top is null then isnull(ParentID ,-1) else ID end
Union All
Select Seq = cast(concat(p.Seq,'.',10000+Row_Number() over (Order by r.AccountName)) as varchar(500))
From [AccountChart] r
Join cteP p on r.ParentID = p.ID)
,cteR1 as (Select *,R1=Row_Number() over (Order By Seq) From cteP)
,cteR2 as (Select A.ID,R2=Max(B.R1) From cteR1 A Join cteR1 B on (B.Seq like A.Seq+'%') Group By A.Seq,A.ID )
Select A.Lvl
,AccountName = max(Replicate(@Nest,A.Lvl-1) + A.AccountName)
,Credit = sum(C.Credit)
,Debit = sum(C.Debit)
From cteR1 A
Join cteR2 B on A.ID=B.ID
Join (Select _R1=A.R1,B.* From cteR1 A Join [TransactionData] B on A.ID=B.AccountID ) C on (C._R1 between A.R1 and B.R2)
Group By A.R1,B.R2,A.Lvl,A.ID,A.ParentID
Order By A.R1