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What is the .cache folder in parcel-bundler? Is it necessary to push the .cache folder to Github?

What is the .cache folder in parcel-bundler? Is it necessary to push the .cache folder to Github ?


  • The .cache folder (or .parcel-cache in parcel v2) stores information about your project when parcel builds it, so that when it rebuilds, it doesn't have to re-parse and re-analyze everything from scratch. It's a key reason why parcel can be so fast in development mode. I think committing it to git would be a bad idea - it would add a large number of (unnecessary) changes to your commit history, and it could easily get out-of-sync with the code that generated it.

    From this article:

    Be sure to add .cache and dist to your .gitignore file to prevent committing these folders to Git. The .cache folder is used by Parcel as a temporary cache directory when building your app for development and production.