I'm using SSRS 2016. I have a dataset that looks like the following:
Year Month Supplier Category Type Item Sales QTY
2010 02 Supplier1 Category2 Type1 Item1 200 10
2010 02 Supplier2 Category2 Type1 Item3 150 15
2011 02 Supplier1 Category1 Type1 Item4 250 10
2011 02 Supplier2 Category2 Type1 Item3 400 20
My tablix that I created in SSRS look as follows:
[Supplier] sum(Sales)
[Category] sum(sales)
[Item] sum(sales)
Total sum(sales)
The result looks like this:
2010 2011
Supplier1 200 250
Supplier2 150 400
I need to sort the data according to the 2011 column desc for Supplier, then Category, then Item. When I use the tablix properties Sort or the Group Properties sort on SSRS, it sorts via the total of 2010+2011 and not just the values in 2011.
EDIT: The table contains sales for multiple years/suppliers/categories/items. the user limits it to the year/month they need and it provides a comparison with the year before. So if the month is 2 and year 2011, it will provide 2011-02 and 2010-02
Is there anything that I am missing?
As you appear to be using a matrix (Column Group on Year) then you will need to use an expression to determine the sort order.
In your rowgroup, go to the sort options and use an expression something like ...
=SUM(IIF(Fields!Year.Value= 2011 , Fields!Sales.Value, nothing))
If you always want to sort by a dynamic year then you will have to use something like this (this example always uses the last year to sort by)
=SUM(IIF(Fields!Year.Value=MAX(Fields!Year.Value), Fields!Sales.Value, nothing))