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Make Terraform resource key multiline

I am declaring a google_logging_metric resource in Terraform (using version 0.11.14)

I have the following declaration

resource "google_logging_metric" "my_metric" {
  description = "Check for logs of some cron job\t"
  name        = "mycj-logs"
  filter      = "resource.type=\"k8s_container\" AND resource.labels.cluster_name=\"${local.k8s_name}\" AND resource.labels.namespace_name=\"workable\" AND resource.labels.container_name=\"mycontainer-cronjob\" \nresource.labels.pod_name:\"my-pod\""
  project     = "${data.terraform_remote_state.gke_k8s_env.project_id}"

  metric_descriptor {
    metric_kind = "DELTA"
    value_type  = "INT64"

Is there a way to make the filter field multiline?

The existence of the local variable "${local.k8s_name} makes it a bit challenging.


  • From the docs

    String values are simple and represent a basic key to value mapping where the key is the variable name. An example is:

    variable "key" {
      type    = "string"
      default = "value"

    A multi-line string value can be provided using heredoc syntax.

    variable "long_key" {
      type = "string"
      default = <<EOF
    This is a long key.
    Running over several lines.