I have both a client and a broker running on a remote Linux machine within a Lora Network server that has a mosquitto connector.
The client can listen for the broker's broadcast from a certain address and port (@
I would like to open an ssh tunnel between this remote machine and my machine (windows 10) to 'eavesdrop' on the communication between the client and the broker using MQTT.fx
to run a mosquitto client;
So far I tried to:
Run ssh -L 22883:@remoteMachineAdress:1883 usern.ame@gatewayAdress -p222
on MobaXtrem](https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/)
Then I launch a client on MQTT.fx
to listen on the broker: port 22883
This establishes a connection to the broker. However, I am not receiving any of the messages passed to the original client (the one on the remote machine) receives.
Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong? And if there are any tutorials about this?
I appreciate all the help I can get, thank you in advance!
This configuration is correct, it was the connector on the server who was sending the data to a different application.