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Fitting sine cosine curves in Python

I am trying to transition from R to Python for my time series analysis - but am finding it quite hard. The code below is what I would have used in R - to regress a sine curve onto some data with a known period.

year <- c(0:100)

Now I want to do the same in Python I am coming across very long methods involving making initial guesses then optimising etc. What is the simplest way to achieve the comparable result?


  • I did not get exactly what you are looking for, lm mean linear model, you could try linear regression in sklearn as follows:

        import numpy as np
        from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        year        = np.arange(0, 100, 1)
        year = np.reshape(year, (1, -1))
        year_predict        = np.arange(100, 200, 1)
        year_predict        = np.reshape(year_predict, (1, -1))
        y   = np.sin(2*np.pi*year/15)+np.cos(2*np.pi*year/15)
        lm = LinearRegression(), y)
        y_pred = lm.predict(year_predict)
        plt.plot(year[0,:], y[0,:])
        plt.plot(year_predict[0,:], y_pred[0,:])

    More info you can find here:

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