I am new to Zabbix. Trying to create Web Scenario that verifies web login with ViewState.
so trying to query VIEWSTATE from a login page with regex (so I can pass it when I am logging in) like this:
regex:id="__VIEWSTATE\" value="(.*)
This is what I am trying to query:
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" value="5000_character_long_hash">
Is this the correct way of doing authentications that require VIEWSTATE hash to be passed with the login? or is there some other method?
Is my regex correct?
How can I easily verify if Zabbix took my regex correctly?
How can I see the output of {VIEWSTATE} variable?
Passing variables from a step to another, in Web Scenario is currently not possible.
There is also no way of knowing if your regexp is correct, because Web Scenario doesn't output anything like that: its only output are speed, error condition, and if a hardcoded string was found.
You also can not use dependent items, or HTTP Client item. So, you need to create an external check.