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How to sort xts-matrix by column if the headers are numbers

I have two xts-matrices (A and B) were both contain headers in the form of "value1.value2". This label combination is saved for both matrices as characters to avoid R to attach the prefix "X" to the numbers.

A and B are already labeled with their symbol combination.

Now I want to attach matrix B on the right hand-side of A (I used C <- cbind(A,B) or C <- merge.xts(A,B)).

Merging or binding them causes R to attach the X in front of the headers. It can't be undone by
colnames(C) <- as.character(colnames(C))

How can I get rid of it, if I want to use numbers as headers (please note: it's not a file that I am loading, I am trying to bring to outputs together)?

As next step I want to order the columns in an increasing manner and tried:

C <- C[,sort(colnames(C), decreasing = F)]

But R completely messes up the order and seems to randomly arrange the columns. I also tried,B)) and sort the dataframe, but it doesn't improve anything.

I am happy to receive valuable suggestions.

Unfortunately, I can't provide a minimum working example.

Thank you very much!


  • You can rename the colnames based on the colnames from the individual xts objectsor use a substring like substring(colnames(C), 2).

    create data sample:

    A <- matrix(1:20, ncol = 2)
    colnames(A) <- c("10.20", "20.01")
    B <- matrix(20:1, ncol = 2)
    colnames(B) <- c("10.10", "10.01")
    # as xts objects
    A <- as.xts(A, = seq.Date(Sys.Date() - 9, Sys.Date(), by = "day"))
    B <- as.xts(B, = seq.Date(Sys.Date() - 9, Sys.Date(), by = "day"))
    C <- merge(A, B)
    # rename colnames to names before merge to get rid of X in front of name
    colnames(C) <- c(colnames(A), colnames(B))
    # alternative use substring: 
    # colnames(C) <- substring(colnames(C), 2)
    C[, sort(colnames(C), decreasing = F)]
               10.01 10.10 10.20 20.01
    2020-03-08    10    20     1    11
    2020-03-09     9    19     2    12
    2020-03-10     8    18     3    13
    2020-03-11     7    17     4    14
    2020-03-12     6    16     5    15
    2020-03-13     5    15     6    16
    2020-03-14     4    14     7    17
    2020-03-15     3    13     8    18
    2020-03-16     2    12     9    19
    2020-03-17     1    11    10    20