I'm attempting to use a trigger to fill values of another table. The trigger watches for insert on table ratings and updates the values of another table, top5restaurants
. I haven't figured out how to maintain only the top 5
in top5restaurants
, I don't know how to limit a table to a certain number of entries. But right now I can't seem to do anything to top5restaurants
from within the trigger.
drop view top_rest;
create view top_rest (rid, rat)
(select distinct rid, max(stars)
from rating
group by rid);
drop table top5restaurants;
create table top5restaurants(rid int);
insert into top5restaurants(rid)
select rid from top_rest
where rownum <= 5
order by rat asc;
create or replace trigger top5_trigger
after insert on ratings
for each row
declare top5 top5restaurants%rowtype;
cursor top5_cursor is
select rid from top_rest
where rownum <=5
order by rat;
for record in top5_cursor
fetch top5_cursor into top5;
insert into top5restaurants values(top5);
end loop;
update_reviews('Jade Court','Sarah M.', 4, '08/17/2017');
update_reviews('Shanghai Terrace','Cameron J.', 5, '08/17/2017');
update_reviews('Rangoli','Vivek T.',3,'09/17/2017');
update_reviews('Shanghai Inn','Audrey M.',2,'07/08/2017');
update_reviews('Cumin','Cameron J.', 2, '09/17/2017');
select * from top5restaurants;
insert into top5restaurants values(184);
However, the table does exist and I can run queries on it and it returns the data I inserted when I created the table. I can also insert values. Not sure why I get table not found error when using a trigger.
Apart from the difference in table names(answer by Littlefoot) in the trigger
and view
, You have not used the rowtype
collection properly while inserting the data.
you must remove the brackets:
insert into top5restaurants values(top5);
insert into top5restaurants values top5;