I am struggling with a ruby challenge the task is
Write a method that will take a string and return an array of vowels used in that string.
Example: count_vowels("The quick brown fox") should return ["e","u","i","o","o"]
count_vowels("Hello World") should return ["e","o","o"]
so far i have tried experimenting with blocks and other array methods like
def vowels(string)
string_array = string.chars
vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
p string_array & vowels
def vowels (string)
# Your code here
arr =(string).downcase.chars
new =[]
values = ["a","e","i","o","u"]
arr. { |words| values.include?(words.each) }
Below code piece should help you
def count_vowels(word)
word.downcase.chars.select{|c| %[a,e,i,o,u].include?(c)}