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ERROR: Failed building wheel for pycryptodome

I was trying to install pycryptodome, python-jose-cryptodome using pip within anaocnda3 environment.

I got this error:

  ERROR: Failed building wheel for pycryptodome

I have tried many versions many solutions(latest versions, specified version, with python 3.8 or 3.7, using requirements text without cache and even alone installation) but nothing worked for me :(. Any solution?


  • While using pip in an anaconda environment is allowed and fine, issues may arise when using pip and conda together, this was clearly mentioned in the conda docs.

    One of the best practices when installing packages in an anaconda environment is to use conda for search and install before using pip.

    So instead of directly using pip, try to :

    1. Search for pycryptodome in anaconda packages repo

      conda search pycryptodome

      pycryptodome is available in anaconda repo .

    2. The next step is to install pycryptodome :

      conda install -c anaconda pycryptodome

      or if you want to use conda-foge channel :

      conda install -c conda-forge pycryptodome

      this should get pycryptodome installed into your env

    3. To use a requirements.txt file with conda :

      conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

    Summary : Best Practices Checklist When Using Pip in a Conda Environment

    Use pip only after conda

    • install as many requirements as possible with conda, then use pip

    • pip should be run with –upgrade-strategy only-if-needed (the default)

    • Do not use pip with the –user argument, avoid all “users” installs

    Use conda environments for isolation

    • create a conda environment to isolate any changes pip makes
    • environments take up little space thanks to hard links
    • care should be taken to avoid running pip in the “root” environment

    Recreate the environment if changes are needed

    • once pip has been used conda will be unaware of the changes
    • to install additional conda packages it is best to recreate the environment

    Store conda and pip requirements in text files

    • package requirements can be passed to conda via the –file argument
    • pip accepts a list of Python packages with -r or –requirements
    • conda env will export or create environments based on a file with conda and pip requirements .

    you can read more about this topic here on anaconda website, and on conda docs