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Download .csv file from github using HTTR GET request

I am trying to create an automatic pull in R using the GET function from the HTTR package for a csv file located on github.

Here is the table I am trying to download.

I can make the connection to the file using the following GET request:


x <- httr::GET("")

However I am unsure how I then convert that into a dataframe similar to the table on github.

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


  • I am new to R but here is my solution.

    You need to use the raw version of the csv file from github (!

    x <- httr::GET("")
    # Save to file
    bin <- content(x, "raw")
    writeBin(bin, "data.csv")
    # Read as csv
    dat = read.csv("data.csv", header = TRUE, dec = ",")
    colnames(dat) = gsub("X", "", colnames(dat))
    # Group by country name (to sum regions)
    # Skip the four first columns containing metadata 
    countries = aggregate(dat[, 5:ncol(dat)], by=list(Country.Region=dat$Country.Region), FUN=sum)
    # Here is the table of the most recent total confirmed cases
    countries_total = countries[, c(1, ncol(countries))]

    The output graph

    How I got this to work: