Search code examples

How can I add condition clause not required if element?

Let's say I have an interface look like this.

interface UserMapper {
    List<User> search(@Nullable String namePattern, int minAge); 

How can I do with the minAge parameter which is not required the <if/> element?

Should I just do with <if test="true"/>?

  <if test="namePattern != null">
    name LIKE #{namePattern}
  <if test="true"> <!-- just true??? -->
    AND age >= #{minAge}

Can I peel the second <if/> element?

  <if test="namePattern != null">
    name LIKE #{namePattern}
  AND age >= #{minAge} <!-- will it blend? -->


  • Sure. <where /> removes unnecessary AND, so it should work.

    Another approach is to write the age condition in front of <if />s.

    WHERE age >= #{minAge}
    <if test="namePattern != null">
      AND name LIKE #{namePattern}