Some "predicate indicators" (this is the ISO Standard terminology for a syntactic name/arity
expression denoting a predicate or functor (both of these terms are equivalent) are not content with a single slash, but actually take two. This always occurs in the context of DCGs. Examples:
at the current location of the input. This predicate is designed to be called from the handler of phrase_from_file/3
."What is the meaning of a double slash
after the predicate name in Prolog, appearing in the context of DCGs?
It is used by the term rewrite system of Prolog (SWI-Prolog src), but for a person it lets you know that the predicate is a DCG and has two hidden arguments added to the end of the predicate.
For example here is a very simple DCG that has 1 visible argument.
simple_dcg(X) -->
{ X is 1 + 2 }.
When the listing is seen
?- listing(simple_dcg).
simple_dcg(X, A, B) :-
X is 1+2,
the two extra hidden arguments (A, B
) appear.
If you have been following my EDCG questions on SWI-Prolog forum then you know it can get much more complicated.