Let's say my dataset looks like this:
data.table(groups = rep(c("A","B"), each=5), time = rep(2011:2015, 2), value = runif(10,95,105))
groups time value
1: A 2011 97.66647
2: A 2012 103.00917
3: A 2013 103.02462
4: A 2014 103.25105
5: A 2015 101.94881
6: B 2011 97.69248
7: B 2012 95.63296
8: B 2013 98.40150
9: B 2014 104.14164
10: B 2015 103.61722
I would like to rebase the value, within each group, by a value corresponding to chosen year (say, 2013). So, for group A I would like to divide each value by 103.02462 (value for 2013), for group B by 98.40150, etc....
All the solutions that I can think of are incredibly complex, it would be great if someboudy would share their ideas
After grouping by 'groups', get the 'value' that corresponds to 'time' value of 2013 and use that to divide the column 'value'
dt1[, value := value/value[time == 2013], by = groups]
# groups time value
# 1: A 2011 0.9479916
# 2: A 2012 0.9998500
# 3: A 2013 1.0000000
# 4: A 2014 1.0021978
# 5: A 2015 0.9895577
# 6: B 2011 0.9927946
# 7: B 2012 0.9718649
# 8: B 2013 1.0000000
# 9: B 2014 1.0583339
#10: B 2015 1.0530045
Or with match
dt1[, value := value/value[match(2013, time)], by = groups]
dt1 <- structure(list(groups = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B",
"B", "B", "B"), time = c(2011L, 2012L, 2013L, 2014L, 2015L, 2011L,
2012L, 2013L, 2014L, 2015L), value = c(97.66647, 103.00917, 103.02462,
103.25105, 101.94881, 97.69248, 95.63296, 98.4015, 104.14164,
103.61722)), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,