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In visual studio code how to keybind in the combination [alt + ctrl + '] the key [`]?

In visual studio code

How to keybind in the combination alt + ctrl + ' to output a backtick ` as a quote?

I'm searching the specific command to put in the keybindings.json

    "key": "alt+ctrl+\'",
    "command": "????????????command?????????????",
    "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"


  • I assume you want Ctrl+Alt+' to output a backtick `

        "key": "ctrl+alt+'",
        // "command": "type",       // normally this would work
        // "args": {"text":"`"},
        // "command":  "editor.action.insertSnippet",  // this outs just one backtick
        // "args": {
        //   "snippet": "`"
        // },
      "command":  "editor.action.insertSnippet",
      "args": {
        "snippet": "`$TM_SELECTED_TEXT`"   // use this to wrap selected text with backticks
        "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"

    Normally, the type command is what you would use here, but since it outputs a backtick vscode automatically adds another - just like typing one " outputs two. Unless you set your Editor > Auto Closing Quotes setting to never, but that will affect all quotes, not just backticks.

    So if you only want one backtick, use the insertSnippet command version - it only outputs one backtick.