How can I get the actual precise result instead of the rounded ones?
result = ((0.61)**(10435)*(0.39)**(6565))/((0.63)**(5023)*(0.60)**(5412)*(0.37)**(2977)*(0.40)**(3588))
Because, denominator is 0
I think logarithm is a power tool to deal with exponential with large powers (see it properties in
You can try to use log
first over your math expression and then apply exp
in turn, i.e.,
result <- exp((10435*log(0.61)+6565*log(0.39)) - (5023*log(0.63)+5412*log(0.60)+ 2977*log(0.37)+3588*log(0.40)))
which gives
> result
[1] 0.001219116