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ATmega64a float to IEEE-754 unexpected result

I am trying to convert a float to an IEEE-754 Hex representation. The following code works on my Mac.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

union Data {
    int i;
    float f;

int main() {
    float var = 502.7;
    union Data value;
    value.f = var;
    printf("%08X\n", value.i);
    return 0;

This is giving me the expected result of 43FB599A.

When I run this code on an ATmega64a I am getting 0000599A not 04A2599A as originally posted which was a mistake.

The first two bytes are not expected but the final two bytes seem correct?

Any ideas?

As mentioned in the accepted answer the I was assuming that int was 4 bytes. I was writing the code on my mac and sending it to someone that was downloading it to an 8-bit ATmega64a. On the ATmega64a int is 2 bytes, not 4. I changed int to unsigned long which is 4 bytes on the ATmega64a.

In addition, I had to add a length sub-specifier of l to the format given to printf. This is because when given a specifier of x, printf uses a type of unsigned int to interpret the corresponding argument. Adding the length sub-specifier of l tells printf to use the type of unsigned long to interpret the corresponding argument.

Using only the length sub-specifier of l and not changing the variable i to unsigned long was causing printf to grab some extra bytes and output 04A2599A as originally posted. I, of course, needed to change the type of i to unsigned long as well as use the length sub-specifier of l.


  • This processor is an 8 bit one which mean size of int is most likely 2 byte not 4 as your code assume.

    Try to use uint32_t rather then int if you can.