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How to generate a new _rev in Cloudant/CouchDB

According to CouchDB and Cloudant documentation, to update an existing document, you issue a PUT request. In this case, the JSON body must contain a _rev property. If this property/field is not provided, the update will fail with error Document update conflict. Trying to update an existing document with an incorrect _rev will cause failure too.

However, there isn't enough documentation on how to generate the _rev field when making the update request. The _rev field returned by getting the document would be something like 1-c8c95e64d4372b0c12c740a40109b87g. In my PUT call, I have tried setting this to 2-c8c95e64d4372b0c12c740a40109b87g, 2, and other strings but nothing works. How do I actually generate a new _rev property for my request?

I am using Go.


  • Pass the same _rev value you got when you retrieved the document. The purpose of the _rev is to make sure that when you update a document, it is still the same document you retrieved.