Hi there I have a c native library that is returning me json as char*. What I would like to do in c# is to use this pointer and write it straight to the
I'm able to create ReadOnlySpan from the ptr but as far as I can tell PipeWriter only accepts ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
which does not have a constructor from IntPtr. Is there a way to create ReadOnlyMemory<byte>
from IntPtr or some other way to writer my string from native library withou copying it one extra time?
Thank you for your answers but none of them was without extra copy. I was finally figure it out so in case somebody struggle with it, here is the solution.
So the only way I as able to achieve this is like.
await Response.StartAsync(HttpContext.RequestAborted);
var dest = Response.BodyWriter.GetMemory((int)jsonLen).Pin();
unsafe { memcpy(dest.Pointer), srcPtr, srcLen); }
await Response.BodyWriter.FlushAsync(HttpContext.RequestAborted);