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How to compile answer from multiple requests with Spring WebClient

I want to make a proxy controller. I get a single HTTP request and I need to proxy it to other services, then compile answers from responses into one and send it back. If one response contains an exception, ResponseEntity shouldn't be with code 200(OK).

public ResponseEntity<String> processIn(@RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers, @RequestBody String body,  ServerHttpRequest request) {

    Mono<String> firstAnswer = sendRequest(headers, body, "https://localhost:1443");
    Mono<String> secondAnswer = sendRequest(headers, body, "http://localhost:8080");

    return ResponseEntity.ok().body(format("1: %s \n 2: %s", firstAnswer, secondAnswer));

private Mono<String> sendRequest(HttpHeaders headers, String body, String url) {
                .uri(new URI(url))
                .headers(httpHeaders -> new HttpHeaders(headers))
                .doOnNext(ans ->">>>>request to {} : {}", url, ans))
                .doOnError(err -> log.error(">>>>error sending to {}", url));


  • You can try something like this. I used 'block' here as you wanted to return ResponseEntity directly.

            .map(tuple -> String.format("1: %s \n 2: %s", tuple.getT1(), tuple.getT2()))

    Instead you could remove the block by changing the return type to Mono<ResponseEntity>

            .map(tuple -> String.format("1: %s \n 2: %s", tuple.getT1(), tuple.getT2()))