So I guess I'm not searching for the right thing but I'm looking to see how you can get VIM to act like Textmate when it comes to writing a set of curly braces, parens, or square brackets hit enter and you get this. Pipe indicates cursor.
function doSomething(){
Instead of this garbage
function doSomething(){
I already have the [{( closing each other when they are typed just the return and indentation is jacked. As usual any help would be appreciated.
I use the following mappings in my .vimrc
inoremap {<cr> {<cr>}<c-o>O<tab>
inoremap [<cr> [<cr>]<c-o>O<tab>
inoremap (<cr> (<cr>)<c-o>O<tab>
So when I input:
function foo(){<cr>
I get:
function foo(){
Similar with (<cr>
and [<cr>