In the past, Artifactory had a set of pre-defined local respositories, as described here:
Now, it seems that JFrog is recommending a new naming convention for Artifactory:
They now recommend the scheme
Does this mean that these repositories should now be called something like
When did Artifactory make this change, and why?
The naming convention described in the whitepaper is a recommendation aimed at helping you with organizing your repositories, especially you have many of them. You can follow any convention which suites your needs.
Historically, the pre-defined repositories were created when Artifactory was a Maven repository. They are suitable for Maven repositories, with the classic separation between releases, snapshots and plugins. With Artifactory becoming a universal repository manager, supporting various technologies such as NuGet, NPM, Docker and GoLang, the pre-defined repositories did not suite all package types (relevant for the commercial and community editions).
In newer versions of Artifactory you can use the "Quick Setup" in order to create a set of default repositories per package type, including local, remote and virtual repositories.