I'm moving a visual basic 6 application from one machine to another, however this application is quite old and uses a lot of third party components (.ocx files) that we have lost the license key for.
Is there any way to get the license key off the old machine for use on the new machine?
Once the application can be built on the new machine, the old machine will be decommissioned and all data erased.
I keep my VB6 dev kit in a VM image for this sort of reason - getting a working development state can be a hard-fought battle for VB6 stuff, but it also has the tendency to soil it's own house by filling it with left-over bits of dead COM components. So if I install new tools or components, I do it in the base snapshot, then restore any required bits into a new snapshot for that project.
Not really a helpful answer for your current predicament... but hopefully helpful for long-term legacy VB6 maintenance.