I've got a model Story
for which I'm adding a pinned_at
attribute. I want a user to be able to select if the story needs to be pinned to the top of the index page but not be able to set the datetime value as it should always be the present datetime when being set.
My thinking was something like
= f.check_box :pinned_at, value: DateTime.now
But the value doesn't seem to set. Anyone have any ideas? The reason why it's not a simple boolean attribute in the first place is that I want to sort stories by whether they are pinned and their creation date. I don't think rails has a good way of sorting by a boolean?
Just use a datetime column together with a separate setter/getter:
class Story < ApplicationRecord
def pinned
alias_method :pinned?, :pinned
def pinned=(value)
if value
self.pinned_at = Time.current unless pinned?
self.pinned_at = nil
= f.check_box :pinned