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Optimal way to retrieve hub context in SignalR 3.0 from anywhere

I am working on a Asp .NET 3.1 application using SignalR 3.0 and I need the ability to access the hubcontext at any time. I regularly and receiving data and processing it to push out to the clients when a timer event fires. This means I can rely on the ability to access the hubcontext when the client calls a hub method or through the controllers or middleware. Since I cannot use GlobalHost in this version of signalR, what is the optimum way to do this?

I have tried several different things, I originally thought to keep a static reference to the hubcontext but I don't think that is a very reliable method. I thought to keep a static reference to an IServiceProvider, but by the time my timers fired, the service provider had been disposed. Any suggestions?


  • If you are using standard Asp.Net Core Dependency Injection (IServiceCollection) you can inject IHubContext<ChatHub> in constructor of your service:

        public class NotificationsHub : Hub
        public class NotificationService(IHubContext<NotificationsHub> notificationsHub) : INotificationService
        // ***** At Startup ********
        // SignalR registration
        private static void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
          app.UseSignalR(routes =>
        // dependencies registration
        public static IServiceCollection RegisterServices(IServiceCollection services)
          services.AddSingleton<INotificationsService, NotificationService>();

    Does it work for you ?