So I made a bot using Bot Framework v4 Nodejs SDK and while the bot was healthy and running just yesterday. Today, something peculiar happened in the bot, only through facebook channel.
So whenever someone sends a message in the bot through messenger: the from object contains {"id":"3012023272144004","name":"FACEBOOK_USER_NAME"}
this is displayed in my code:
console.log("FROM DATA : " + JSON.stringify(stepContext.context.activity.from));
today it only displays {"id":"3012023272144004","name":" "} where the facebook name of user is always empty (and I assure you that users,that I tested, has a facebook name)
also whenever I request for facebook firstname and lastname using graph API I have this response
{"error":{"message":"(#80006) There have been too many messenger api calls to this Page account. Wait a bit and try again. For more info, please refer to https:\/\/\/docs\/graph-api\/overview\/rate-limiting.","type":"OAuthException","code":80006,"fbtrace_id":"AZp9laYMB2IGha-WAPYDBXH"}}
I retried it for the whole day, and nothing happened. I checked the dashboard for rate limit but all I can see is 0% limit used (the app is exclusively connected to my page and the page is exclusively connected to my app. thanks for the clarification)
and this never happened before, I always get the firstname, lastname, id and even profile picture - sample body response from previous calls:
I really have no idea where to ask this issue. Is this framework issue? facebook graph issue? or bot channels issue? Thanks!
---I'll provide code or respond to anything that I need to clarify. Thanks!
PS: Even other channels responds like this on email: {"id":"","name":"Villabrille, Aleimar P."}
and webchat: {"id":"3012023272144004","name":"Web Chat User","role":"user"}
The Azure Bot Service change log is not currently available to the public, and the problem you experienced may not have had an entry in the change log anyway. It's unclear if the problem was on your end or Facebook's end or Microsoft's end, and if it was on Microsoft's end then it was more likely to have been a random outage than an actual code update. If your production bot experiences problems like this in the future then you can submit a support request through your bot resource in the Azure portal.
You might also consider engaging with the Facebook developer community: