There are about 20 OU in AD. 6 of the OU has space in it. for example, "Department Heads", "Operation Managers". The following works all 15 OU where there are no space but doesn't work when there is a space in the OU description.
Any idea. I tried putting the string into "" but nothing helps.
$SearchBase = "OU=Department Heads,DC=COLGATE,DC=FILA"
$LDAPResult = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $searchbase -SearchScope 'subtree' -Server $ldapserver -filter "employeeID="U99YBTTXR" -Properties * | Select -Property userAccountControl, whenChanged
Actually, spaces in the OU is not the issue. I found the solution here
this code worked for me
$LDAPResultCount = ($LDAPResult.userAccountControl | select -Unique).count