By running my hybris server I ran into this Problem. No mentions so far on the web, any Ideas what could cause that and how to solve it?
ERROR: Solr home directory C:\Projects\Beiselen\hybris\config\solr\instances\default must contain solr.xml
Mar 16, 2020 12:19:05 PM de.hybris.platform.solr.controller.commands.StartSolrServersCommand apply
SEVERE: Failed to start Solr server for instance [name: default, hostname: localhost, port: 8983, mode: STANDALONE]
de.hybris.platform.solr.controller.SolrControllerException: Failed to start Solr server for instance [name: default, hostname: localhost, port: 8983, mode: STANDALONE]
at de.hybris.platform.solr.controller.commands.StartSolrServerCommand.startSolrServer(
at de.hybris.platform.solr.controller.commands.StartSolrServerCommand.executeCommand(
It seems you mess up with the config folder.
ant all
and follow the instructions, Hybris will generate config folder again local.properteis
, localextensions.xml
etc ant clean all
Now you are good to go