Hello I'm new to GraphQl and to Apollo Server. I would like to implement authentication on my project.
For some reason, I can't seem to set context on my resolvers in apollo server.
Here's my index
const server = new ApolloServer({
context: ({ req }) => {
const userId = jwtDecode(req.headers.authorization)
return userId.sub
And my query
Query: {
users: async (parent, args, context) => {
try {
return await getUsers(context)
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(err.message)
When I try to output the context the result is always like this...
{ injector:
Injector {
{ name: 'index.ts_8346047369535445_SESSION',
injectorScope: 'SESSION',
hooks: [Array],
children: [] },
_classMap: Map {},
_factoryMap: Map {},
Map {
Symbol(ModuleConfig.index.ts_8346047369535445) => undefined,
[Function] => undefined },
_sessionScopeInstanceMap: Map { [Function: ModuleSessionInfo] => [ModuleSessionInfo] },
[ Symbol(ModuleConfig.index.ts_8346047369535445), [Function] ],
_requestScopeServiceIdentifiers: [],
_sessionScopeServiceIdentifiers: [ [Function: ModuleSessionInfo] ],
_hookServiceIdentifiersMap: Map {},
_name: 'index.ts_8346047369535445_SESSION',
_injectorScope: 'SESSION',
_defaultProviderScope: 'SESSION',
What's returned inside the context
function should always be an object. So you would do something like
context: ({ req }) => {
const { sub } = jwtDecode(req.headers.authorization)
return {
and then access the value inside the resolver by calling context.sub
However, if you're using GraphQL Modules to create your schema, you should follow the library's documentation for configuring your context on a per-module basis.