I have two dictionaries (see code example) with nested dictionaries as values. I want to join both dictionaires such that I obtain one single dictionary with added key value pairs in the nested dictionairy.
My current code works but it does not seem DRY (don't repeat yourself) to me. What is the most pyhtonic way to solve this problem?
dictionary_base = {
'anton': {
'name': 'Anton',
'age': 29,
'bella': {
'name': 'Bella',
'age': 21,
dictionary_extension = {
'anton': {
'job': 'doctor',
'address': '12120 New York',
'bella': {
'job': 'lawyer',
'address': '13413 Washington',
for person in dictionary_base:
dictionary_base[person]['job'] = dictionary_extension[person]['job']
dictionary_base[person]['address'] = dictionary_extension[person]['address']
Desired output should look like
{'anton': {'address': '12120 New York',
'age': 29,
'job': 'doctor',
'name': 'Anton'},
'bella': {'address': '13413 Washington',
'age': 21,
'job': 'lawyer',
'name': 'Bella'}}
Use dict.update
dictionary_base = {
'anton': {
'name': 'Anton',
'age': 29,
'bella': {
'name': 'Bella',
'age': 21,
dictionary_extenstion = {
'anton': {
'job': 'doctor',
'address': '12120 New York',
'bella': {
'job': 'lawyer',
'address': '13413 Washington',
for person in dictionary_base:
{'anton': {'address': '12120 New York',
'age': 29,
'job': 'doctor',
'name': 'Anton'},
'bella': {'address': '13413 Washington',
'age': 21,
'job': 'lawyer',
'name': 'Bella'}}