I have a laravel nova app. Like other nova app on resource list it shows a checkbox before every rows. and a option of select all.
I want to remove those checkboxes from the resource list.
As described in comments above, the cleanest way will be limiting user permissions. Otherwise, there are some hacky ways to try:
1. Empty actions
If you resource has no actions, then in your resource file override availableActions
* Get the actions that are available for the given request.
* @param \Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest $request
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function availableActions(NovaRequest $request)
return [];
2. Hiding with css.
Put this in custom tool, or override layout.blade.php
EDIT Found a better way of hiding with css thanks to @Max's comment
div[dusk="products-index-component"] div[dusk="select-all-dropdown"],
div[dusk="products-index-component"] .table td:first-child,
div[dusk="products-index-component"] .table th:first-child {
display: none !important;
3. Custom resource-index
Create custom tool and override /nova/resources/js/views/Index.vue
. This is where checkbox showing logic goes on.
* Determine whether to show the selection checkboxes for resources
shouldShowCheckBoxes() {
return (
Boolean(this.hasResources && !this.viaHasOne) &&
this.actionsAreAvailable ||
this.authorizedToDeleteAnyResources ||