I was trying to disable swiping effect on popover controller.My xamarin application running ios 13 getting some issue while swipping down the popover controller,So I need to disable default swipe effect on popover controller. In objective c and swift it has a property "isModelInPresentation" but in xamarin it is not available. Can any body help to disable swipe popover ?
modalInPresentation : A Boolean value indicating whether the view controller enforces a modal behavior.
The default value of this property is NO. When you set it to YES, UIKit ignores events outside the view controller's bounds and prevents the interactive dismissal of the view controller while it is onscreen.
In Xamarin.iOS ,If setting ModalInPresentation = True
, when swipping the viewController will not disappear . Else will disappear .
public override void ViewDidLoad()
View = new UniversalView();
this.Title = "Second";
View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Yellow;
ModalInPresentation = true;
// Perform any additional setup after loading the view
The effect :