So, I have one fragment, lets call it Fragment A, in which I need it to be the main host of my sharedviewmodel.
So I have it like this
class FragmentA:Fragment() {
private val model: SharedViewModel by viewModels()
Now, inside Fragment A, I set viewpager2 Adapter
private fun setupViewPagerWithTabLayout(
productList: MutableList<Producto>,
drinkList: MutableList<Producto>
) {
val fragmentList = listOf(
viewPager2.adapter = MyViewPageAdapter(requireActivity(),fragmentList)
val tabLayoutMediator = TabLayoutMediator(tabLayout, viewPager2,
TabLayoutMediator.TabConfigurationStrategy { tab, position ->
when (position) {
0 -> {
tab.text = "Option1"
1 -> {
tab.text = "Option2"
Here I instantiate my FragmentProduct which is inside Fragment A in a viewpager, but my adapter needs a FragmentActivity
class MyViewPageAdapter(fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity,private val fragmentList: List<FragmentProducts>) :
FragmentStateAdapter(fragmentActivity) {
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return fragmentList.size
override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment {
return fragmentList[position]
So, from FragmentProducts that is contained inside FragmentA, I need to share data with this viewmodel, but when I do this to share data from this fragment to FragmentA
class FragmentProducts:Fragment(){
private val model: SharedViewModel by viewModels ({requireParentFragment()})
I get the followin error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment FragmentProducts{6953da8} (3a2f5cbb-113d-4ed2-8f85-56e04fcea356) f0} is not a child Fragment, it is directly attached to com.example.MainActivity@dcc2679
so , this is telling me that FragmentProducts references to my MainActivity, and thats logic because the instance of the adapter takes requireActivity() for FragmentActivity at
viewPager2.adapter = MyViewPageAdapter(requireActivity(),fragmentList)
So, I need to pass instead of requireActivity() my FragmentA as the host of this viewpager fragment but at my ViewPagerAdapter, I cant pass FragmentStatePagerAdapter or something else to pass my FragmentA as the context for that viewpager
Since Im using viewpager2, is there a way to let FragmentA host FragmentProducts viewpager so I can get it in my FragmentProducts like this
private val model: SharedViewModel by viewModels ({requireParentFragment()})
You're using FragmentStateAdapter(fragmentActivity)
. Don't do that. Pass your parent Fragment to MyViewPageAdapter
and pass that to FragmentStateAdapter
class MyViewPageAdapter(
parentFragment: Fragment,
private val fragmentList: List<FragmentProducts>
) : FragmentStateAdapter(parentFragment) {